It is not important whether you are successful all the time or not; what is important is the sincere effort that you put in because you want to achieve your goals. In order to achieve your goal, it is critical that you do everything in your power to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
Every little thing that you do should be done with the utmost care and attention to detail, even if the task that you are performing does not have to be as monumental and significant as it once was.
When you make an effort to do everything to the best of your ability, you naturally end up putting in more effort than you need to, which is something more significant than the work you do on a daily basis.
People will recognise your honest effort regardless of whether or not you are successful if you perform your work with the utmost dedication. They come to regard you as worthy of respect and will place their faith in your ability to achieve success in all of your future endeavours.
You will also gain an understanding of the true reason behind why you are not successful and be able to take the necessary steps to once again achieve success. This is the primary mantra for success, and one should believe in it throughout their entire life: never give up and always strive to do better.
The integrity with which you carry out your work will motivate others to realise their own potential. Be grateful for every opportunity that presents itself to you in life; in other words, when life hands you lemons, turn them into lemonade. Have the bravery to go after what it is that you want, and then do everything in your power to turn that dream into a reality.
There is no substitute for putting in a lot of effort. You can rest assured that all of your efforts will be rewarded in some way, shape, or form in a more timely manner than you may currently anticipate. Don’t worry about the outcome of whatever it is you’re working on; just focus on doing it well. If you strive for excellence, success will find its way to you almost immediately.